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Wrapping Up World Alzheimer's Month

Posted by Karen Thompson on

September was World Alzheimer's Month and what a special month it was! Thank you for sharing your stories and engaging with us as we celebrate and honour persons living with dementia. On our blog we featured many tips and strategies for supporting persons with dementia and we heard from different individuals about what dementia means to them. We celebrated World Alzheimer's Day, National Grandparents Day, and heard from family members about who they "Alzhmire". 

As we move into a new month, it is important to recognize that Alzheimer's doesn't go away after September. We can support individuals as they progress along their dementia journey. We can continue to celebrate persons living with dementia and the touching moments we can continue to have with them, but also recognize their hardships. We can continue to empower persons with dementia to engage in activities beyond dementia and recognize their personhood and citizenship in their communities. And we can also continue to find new, innovative ways to improve their quality of life. 

So while September is almost over, we want to take one last moment to celebrate and honour persons living with dementia. We want persons with dementia to feel included, supported, and to understand they are not alone on this journey. At the end of today, share with your relative, friend, or loved one with dementia why you celebrate them, reflect on the special moments together, and share in conversation and laughter together. 

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